Snippet - Nifty Way of Text -> Data
I'm gonna share some code, and at the start, it might look like gibberish. But something pretty cool is happening in here:
impl FromStr for Claim {
type Err = Box<Error>;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Claim> {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?x)
let caps = match RE.captures(s) {
None => return err!("unrecognized claim"),
Some(caps) => caps,
Ok(Claim {
id: caps["id"].parse()?,
x: caps["x"].parse()?,
y: caps["y"].parse()?,
width: caps["width"].parse()?,
height: caps["height"].parse()?,
This code is supposed to turn a structured string into meaningfully usable data. This is from problem 3 of advent-of-code 2018, where you're trying to draw different "claims" on a large grid. The rest of the problem isn't important, only that we're trying to draw things and ask questions about a 1000x1000ish grid. Once you know this, you can understand what the data means. The input looks like this:
#1 @ 257,829: 10x23
#2 @ 902,685: 10x20
#3 @ 107,733: 20x25
#4 @ 186,421: 20x11
#5 @ 360,229: 29x10
#6 @ 362,248: 24x10
#7 @ 922,250: 13x26
#8 @ 256,742: 18x14
The Cool Part #
Did you notice?
// the regex is structured to store certain matches, like 'id' here:
// so they can be later referenced like this:
id: caps["id"].parse()?,
That's sweet!
Other notes: #
That lazy_static!
stuff is recommended by the regex readme:
It is an anti-pattern to compile the same regular expression in a loop since compilation is typically expensive. (It takes anywhere from a few microseconds to a few milliseconds depending on the size of the regex.) Not only is compilation itself expensive, but this also prevents optimizations that reuse allocations internally to the matching engines.
In Rust, it can sometimes be a pain to pass regular expressions around if they're used from inside a helper function. Instead, we recommend using the lazy_static crate to ensure that regular expressions are compiled exactly once.
So basically, it's a fancy way to ensure the regular expression is only compiled once.